Смотреть что такое "inhale" в других словарях:
Inhale — «Inhale» Sencillo de Stone Sour del álbum Stone Sour Publicación 3 de julio de 2003 Formato CD Single Género(s) Metal alternativo, Hard Rock, Post Grunge … Wikipedia Español
Inhale — In*hale , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Inhaled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Inhaling}.] [L. inhalare to breathe upon; pref. in in + halare to breathe: cf. F. inhaler. Cf. {Exhale}.] To breathe or draw into the lungs; to inspire; as, to inhale air; opposed to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inhale — [in hāl′, in′hāl΄] vt. inhaled, inhaling [L inhalare < in , in + halare, to breathe: see EXHALE] 1. to draw (air, vapor, etc.) into the lungs; breathe in 2. Informal to consume rapidly or voraciously [to inhale one s dinner] vi. 1. to draw air … English World dictionary
inhale — (v.) 1725, to breathe in, back formation from inhalation or else from L. inhalare breathe upon, from in upon (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + halare breathe. Related: Inhaled; inhaling. Current sense is because the word was taken as the opposite of… … Etymology dictionary
inhale — [v] breathe in drag, draw in, gasp, inspire, insufflate, puff, pull, respire, smell, sniff, snort, suck in; concepts 163,601 Ant. breathe out, exhale … New thesaurus
inhale — ► VERB ▪ breathe in (air, gas, smoke, etc.). DERIVATIVES inhalation noun. ORIGIN Latin inhalare … English terms dictionary
inhale — verb (I, T) especially technical to breathe in air, smoke, or gas: It is dangerous to inhale ammonia fumes. | inhale deeply (=inhale a lot of air or smoke): Myra lit another cigarette and inhaled deeply. opposite exhale inhalation noun (C, U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
inhale — /in hayl /, v., inhaled, inhaling. v.t. 1. to breathe in; draw in by breathing: to inhale the polluted air. v.i. 2. to breathe in, esp. the smoke of cigarettes, cigars, etc.: Do you inhale when you smoke? [1715 25; IN 2 + (EX)HALE] * * * … Universalium
inhale — v. to inhale deeply * * * [ɪn heɪl] to inhale deeply … Combinatory dictionary
inhale — [[t]ɪnhe͟ɪl[/t]] inhales, inhaling, inhaled VERB When you inhale, you breathe in. When you inhale something such as smoke, you take it into your lungs when you breathe in. He took a long slow breath, inhaling deeply... [V n] He was treated for… … English dictionary
inhale — verb inhale deeply we d rather not inhale your cigar smoke Syn: breathe in, inspire, draw in, suck in, take in, sniff in, drink in … Thesaurus of popular words